Emotional Singularity/Feeling Plurality Phenomena
Let’s first take Emotional Singularity. Singularity in mathematics is: a point at which a function is not differentiable although it is differentiable in a neighborhood of that point. In other words, the singularity point is where there is nothing separated, differential or divided. We often will not be able to measure or observe this singularity, but we know it exists because the neighborhood around the singularity shows differentiation, divisions and separations. A good example is how astronomers discovered the black (w)hole. They could not see the black hole, they could only see the “neighborhood” of light that was around the black whole. Therefore they were able to then later verify its undisputable existence. So in astronomy the black whole is referred to as the singularity. Black in itself is an inseparable principle. For instance, all the colors of the spectrum are absorbed by black so it is place where there is no separation, no distinctions, no differentiation and therefore would be considered the singularity point on the color spectrum because of all the colors in the neighborhood gives proof to its existence. If black is the singularity, then white would be the boundary condition of separation that reflects the colors back to its singularity. A boundary condition means the limit of differentiation that something can achieve within a specific region. It is also illustrated by the uroboros, the serpent devouring its own tail, with his front half black and the real rear half white which represents the stages of transformation, we all must return to the black/unity. This is the concept of light and dark. Darkness is the singularity (in the beginning was darkness) and light is the plurality, as light defines the darkness (absence of light) and then creates separations and divisions in its region. All light has a boundary condition, but darkness is the place for infinity. This model of emotions will show that emotion is the singularity point, which then creates the “the “neighborhood” of perspectives, which then creates the feeling plurality phenomena.
Phenomena of Feelings. According to dictionary.com, phenomena is a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable. In Philosophy an appearance or immediate object of awareness in experience and Kantianism, a thing as it appears to and is constructed by the mind.
Kantain is a 18th century philosopher that, among other things, looked at the mind as producing phenomena or observable things. He stated, that if we see the universe as revolving around us, what if the stars are stationary and we are revolving around them. Basically meaning our mind creates the feeling that things are happening around us, whereas it is the mind that is creating that effect and in truth, the things around us are just phenomena of the mind. Hence, we do not have intuition about things, things are a product of our intuition. In the Holographic Universe Model it states that we convert waves into images through the various electric impulses in our senses and through “Will” and “Belief” processed in the brain will turn it into a solid object. However, when we break down the object into subatomic particles, we see that
1. Particles are now back to behaving as waves and
2. The have 99.9 empty space.
Phenomena of the mind creates even solid reality. The above definitions are speaking of phenomena as something that we become observably aware of after the mind created a construct. Phenomenon of feelings would then mean that it is something that we become observably aware of after it passes through the mind. Let’s take a deeper look at this.
It seems that if we read an ancient book, like the Bible, there is a representation of the ego, calling it vanity. It also seems that the bible is using the word Spirit to describe emotions, as the word emotion(s) does not exist in the Bible. So emotion would be a spiritual concept. They drive us to understand, find meaning, find purpose and guide us to what feels good or what feels bad. What if there is only one spirit, or emotion such as bliss or joy or as Einstein said “The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical.” The mystical further defined as “Union with the Divine or Absolute and mystical experience and a place that cannot be perceived with the senses”. Remember, senses are the very thing that gives us the illusion of separation. Therefore the emotion of mystical would be that were there is absolute unity. Therefore, from this premise the feelings phenemona are simply distortions of the mystical. What if these distortions take place when we are buying into the network of neurons that makes us feel a sense of separation? The more separation we feel, the more we distort this one emotion/spirit into multiple divisions. In taking this premise, the divisions are creating an order of the proximity we are in feeling this one emotion in its purest state or “pure spiritual energy” as emotions are “Energy in Motion”.
Taken from Transpersonal Psychotherapy:
“Ultimately the potentiality of the self is to connect with the entire Cosmos. When we connect with our inner self with all of its energy we realized we are truly Divine, truly one with the universe, truly spirit in human form. You can bring that into the space with your clients, this is an evolutionary urge that everybody has and all you are doing is directing them to the evolutionary urge of connection, with elevation into our higher selves.”
When we are talking about a locus, we are referring to the locality of where something operates. For example, the Locus of control, which has the “internal” and “external”. It is the location from where you operate. Are you someone who allows the external world to determine how you think, or are you someone who allows how you think to determine the external world. So in this instance, the one emotion/spirit would be “mystical” and the locus of mystical would be operating from that place. But remember, if the locus is singularity, which means it is defined by its neighborhood, then the locus would exist in all the feelings expressed from this one emotion. Now, lets talk for a moment about connection. Connection is defined as “a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.” Its very premise is that there are two things and a relationship within the two is the connection. It does not however, speak of those things being unified. So although we seek to move towards connection, the ultimate locus would be ‘touch’ which would then bring the two into the same space and unified. In Xhosa language of South Africa the word for touch is Pata. Mir!!iam Makeba (seen in image left) had a hit song in the 1960s called “Pata Pata”, which in turn is a dance that requires two partners to touch each other. Therefore this particular model name “Pata Locus Mystica” or “Operating from the mystical touch”.
Now most scientific disciplines are agreeing on two things. The brain is stimulated before we are aware we have thought. Also the brain is not needed for emotions, emotions informs the brain to think. If we take into context that emotions are actually a spiritual concept and that there is truly only one emotion and all other emotions are a distortion of that one emotion based on our sense of separation, we then see a dynamic that seems to line up with research. In looking at that chart below, which is an interpretation of Damasio’s view that emotion is deeper than reasoning and reasoning is born from emotions. Now, if we receive an emotion as a spiritual concept, and that spirit moves (motion) into us, it then stimulates our brain which then produces a thought which then produces a feeling. Feeling is where emotion and cognition meet which is why feelings are a phenomenon, again phenomenon defined is an observable fact or event. Interesting, the word phenomenon comes from Greek verb to “manifest”. Again what is fascinating is our brain gets stimulated before we know we made a choice. They actually tested the time. They had a study to see how fast someone responds to a stimuli. In this study they asked them to touch a button when they receive the stimuli. It turns out that it takes .00001 second for the brain to get stimulated. It takes .1 second to respond and .6 seconds to be aware of the response. This means that before we are awareness, the brain has already made the choice.
Now, let’s say that encoded in this one emotion (call it mystical) is information. This information can be guidance, ideas, and concepts. So emotion would be a type of signal that is transmitted and our brain is the transmitter that picks it up.
Transmitter: a set of equipment used to generate and transmit electromagnetic waves carrying messages or signals, especially those of radio or television
Those messages can be for survival, but it can be for so much more. It can be for guidance, it can be for decision making, it can be for us evoking a vision. Now based on our core beliefs that we acquired in our developmental years, when that emotion reaches our brain, we have then created a filter that will separate it and place it in a category based on judgement, expectation or attachment. That judgement will show up in our bodily sensations and then we will label with a feeling word that best matches our experience. It is similar to different prisms or light filters like crystals. When the light hits say a rose quartz, the crysal will only filter out rose colors. A prism will separate all the colors.
If you can use the image to the left as a visual of how our brain can behave like the prism. Now all waves carry information. In fact, you can encode audible information on lightwaves (electromagnetics). It would then stand to reason that this wave of consciousness that is coming in would have encoded information on it.
Also recognize that emotions create a vibrational structure in the body that can be matched with something in the outside world that will respond to our emotional state, when then in turn reinforces that emotional state.
You have two concepts, homeostasis (Home) and Allostatic. Allostasis is the act of the body and mind seeking to achieve homeostasis. Allostasis is the process of achieving stability, or homeostasis, through physiological or behavioral change. So here we see the premise again. Home/Homeostasis, where we feel pata mystica where all emotions are now absorbed and we are back to source. So when we go from homeostasis to allostasis through a distortion of filter, we are then, through our feelings of separation, guided back home. Can you see the necessity of this to create evolution, we are supposed to have distortions in order to create evolution and change. In other words, our distortions are opportunities to activate our system that helps us to return to home and therefore we evolve and change through that same system. Deepak Chopra called “Pure Spiritual Energy” as the “Evolutionary Impulse of the Universe”. So therefore the thing that existed before life, phenomenon and cognition is emotion or spirit. Spirit said “.and it was good”. What is more interesting, is that Esther and Jerry Hicks talk about how we are actually here to expand the universe. That the only way expansion takes place is to first know what we don’t want in order to give birth to the desire what we do want. As soon as we apply desire to what we do want, we bring forth a new thing into the world and expand it. With this concept, allostasis is “what we don’t want” and therefore giving birth to desire and expand ours and others reality by following that vision of what we do want. When we do that, our entire biology responds as if that is what it is made for this is vision, this is purpose, this is focus and health.
My granddaughter, Nyla Oates, when I asked her what does she think spirit is, she said “it is that which lives inside of us that makes the decisios for us so we can stay on our path.” You can imagine to my surprise how astounded I was. We have new science to back this up. Just discovered in 2016 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pinpointed a part of the brain that lends us to making decisions. As it turns out, our logic will weigh out the pros and cons of making a decision, but our “Striosome-Dendron Bouquets” Are at the Heart of Emotional Decision-Making. It is this area that attaches emotion to our choices. They even found people who have this “bouquets” damaged in some way cannot make a choice. They can tell you the options, but they cannot make a choice. So what if emotion is a transmitted message that hits our brain, stimulates it and before we are aware, has made the decision for us that will lead us on our path.
“Together, the researchers believe that the striosomes act as a gatekeeper that absorbs sensory and emotional information coming from the cerebral cortex and integrates this information in a way that helps you decide how best to proceed. Then, the bugle is sounded to “go!” from dopamine-producing cells which results in subsequent actions.” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201609/study-pinpoints-brain-circuitry-emotional-decision-making
Functions of Emotions:
Many social scientists, evolutionists and medical doctors have understood emotions as primary towards survival. It actually tells us what we want and don’t want. For instance, disgust is also in the animal kingdom, but unlike us, disgust is there for survival. For instance, when doing an experiment upon a substrain of monkeys, they put food on top of feces. The monkeys either rejected the food or tried to wash it off thoroughly. They made faces of disgust. However, this helps them to avoid eating anything that has parasites. Yet, emotions for human’s is much deeper than that. It is the whole reason we make choices, and as stated above, it is required to make a choice.
Emotion, according to “Abraham” (Jerry and Ester Hicks) is there to let us know when we are aligned with our higher self. We always at any time, are living in two perspectives. That of our higher self, and that of where we are. When the perspective is aligned, we have positive emotions, when they are not, we have negative emotions. These two perspectives is also a holographic concept. To produce a hologram, you must have light (perspective) in one direction and light (perspective) shining from another angle. Therefore, our higher self and where we are at now work together to produce a holographic or 3D reality. David Bohm wrote about the holographic model and referred to everything, before it reaches perspective, already exists in, what he calls the “Implicate Order.” The implicate order is like the coding that existed before life did. Like in a video game. Before played, it is just coding. But once a player comes in with their talents and perspective, then the coding translate into time, space, images and a journey. I would like to propose a new Law that is not mentioned before and so coined “The Law of Activation.” This means that we are not so much attracting our manifestations, but activating it through creating an emotional match to that which already exist. Law of Attraction is better suited for a feedback system that our reality is an indicating and a vibrational match to where we are on a cognitive level, primarily our subconscious. Law of Activation means it is not manifested yet, so we cannot attract it, we can only activate it.
After Bohm developed his initial theory of quantum potential, he continued to refine it. Out of this refinement came the realization that wholeness was a significant part of the theory. In classical science, the state of a system as a whole is just the result of the interaction of its parts. But in the quantum potential, the behavior of the parts was actually organized by the whole. So this took Bohr’s assertion that subatomic particles are part of an indivisible system, took it one step further by suggesting that wholeness is in many ways the more primary reality. And it’s at this point that we bring the aspect of nonlocality back into the theory. Because at the level at which the quantum potential operated, location ceased to exist. The idea of anything being separate from anything else was not part of the field, it was a wholeness.
This nonlocal aspect of the quantum potential theory also explained the connections between twin particles (as in the Aspect experiment) without violating special relativity’s ban against anything traveling faster than the speed of light. Let me give you an example of the analogy that Bohm used to explain this.
Imagine an aquarium containing a fish. Imagine also that you have never seen an aquarium or a fish before (that’s a big stretch, but bear with me). The only direct knowledge you have about it and what it contains comes from two television cameras, one directed at the front of the tank and the other directed at its side. As you look at the two television monitors, you might assume that the fish on each of the screens are separate entities. After all, because the cameras are set at different angles, each of the images will be different. But as you continue to watch the fish, you eventually become aware that there is a certain relationship between them. When one turns, the other also makes a slightly different but corresponding turn; when one faces the front, the other faces toward the side. If you remain unaware of the full scope of the situation, you might even conclude that the fish must be instantaneously communicating with one another, but this is clearly not the case. There is really no communication taking place because at a deeper level of reality the two apparently different fish are one and the same. According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light connection between two subatomic particles is really telling us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex dimension beyond our own that is analogous to the aquarium. We view objects such as subatomic particles as separate from one another because we are seeing only a portion of their reality.
From this new science, quantum concepts, and other insights of my own, it occurred that emotion is a wonderful, wise mechanism that is built to bridge the gap between the four dimensional reality that is created as a means of experience and the reality that actually exist beyond an observer as a means of centering, grounding and a foundation. Simply put, our senses have created a stable reality from an ever moving and wave behavior actuality. Science is stating that life is nonlocal (everything exists all at once) and that locality is simply a capability that the mind constructs in order for us to have a four dimensional experience. It is the part of the brain that gives us the sense of self, sense of time and sense of separation, the Temporal Parietal Junction, which is also responsible for what we label the ego. Then when examining the plethora of feelings we have, it seems they are based on how much we have distorted the underlying emotion of perfect unity and we must follow our emotions in order to experience the underlying truth of life. When we follow our emotions towards that core, we then experience the emotions that coincide with perfect cohesiveness. Our emotions are seeking to bridge the gap. There is the concept that when we die we bridge the gap, however, life’s desire is to experience it while in the very interpreter that it built to experience this reality.
Lastly let’s look at emotions/spirits as carriers of information again. For instance, light, although it carries information of the vibration it carries, it carries other information that when picked up by a transmitter or translator (radio/tv/computer/phone), the information then gets interpreted. For instance, our voices are encoded into light waves when we speak into our phone. When it is picked up by a transmitter (the other phone) it get’s reinterpreted back into sounds, words and then we, as an additional transmitter, interprets those words and tones into meaning. Now let’s take away the medium (phone/TV/Computer/radio), and look at us as transmitters. Our senses picks up wave forms and then reinterpret them to have meaning, depth, width, height, sound, images, etc. If, for instance, a sound occurs, it produces an invisible wave that will continue to travel unless it is picked up by an interpreter. However, according to quantum mechanics, everything, at its core behaves as a waveform. Only when we interject an observer does the behavior of a particle or object change. The behavior then becomes stable and all possibilities collapse and we are only left with a “certain” reality. So certain is this reality, that we depend on it to stabilize us. We are used to objects having position, speed and are acted upon by forces. That is what we call classical physics. And then when we, as an interpreter machine, create something called consensus reality, our senses then adjust to the group to only believe in the reality that we all agree upon. What feelings do, is they help us to disengage from the consensus reality and plug into actual reality and start to evolve our brain to plug into this new dimension and therefore have a pata mystica experience!
The Evolution of the I/Eye (theory proposed by Dr. Fiyah Oates)
First, let me give credit to so many people that have influenced me in developing this theory.
I am proposing a theory that the purpose of evolution is to create the more perfect observer. Throughout evolution, as the eye evolved, so did our sense of separation, therefore the “I” evolved simultaneously. I will also bring in Bohm’s the Implicate order, wholeness and the holographic universe. It will all tie in together.
The Eye is part of our Central Nervous System which exists in 2 parts, the brain and the spine. The eye as spoken of in the Science Daily: “Retina, the light sensing tissue on the bottom of the eye, can be considered an integral part of the central nervous system (CNS). During fetal development, it matures from part of the brain and its innervation closely resembles that of the brain.” The implications of this is that the eye is part of the brain, but even moreso, the discovery is that: Research from the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) shows that retinal changes may be detected earlier than brain changes. (sciencedaily.com). What that shows is that the eye has the capacity for evolving the brain.
Any organism creates an energetic connection with our environment through our nervous system. Mostly the Eye. If the eye is not available then that organism will do it through their dominant sense. For human, they will likely revert to the ear which is an extension of the eye. The inner ear and the muscles that move your eyes are intimately connected through a reflex called the vestibulo-ocular reflex or VOR. There are only two junctions between nerves along the path of this reflex, making it one of the fastest in the body. We can thank these reflexes to help us focus clearly when we move our head. This is referred to as gaze stability. As soon as you move your head, the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear senses the precise direction and speed of that movement and tells your brain about it. The brain then uses that information to instruct our eye muscles to counter the head movement and keep whatever you’re looking at in focus. So the eye becomes the overriding sense that is used to evolve us.
Let’s talk about the “soul”. In many traditions, it is thought that he “soul animates the body”. The word soul shares an origin with the word Sol, which means the sun. In ancient archetypes, the Sun was a symbolism of the soul and self, but also for the reasons listed. Soul is the light inside us. This is not just a religious or spiritual notion, but also tangible and measurable. When the soul is embodied, it generates heat through various bodily functions. We are a steady 98.7 degrees farenheit. Notice when the soul no longer occupies the body, it then get’s cold. Another thing to think about, we breath in oxygen and exhale’s CO2. Fire breaths the same way. And if you were to put alcohol on the fire, it would increase it’s temperature, and the same thing for us, our temperature increases with alcohol. Therefore when there is life and soul in the body, it takes on the same qualities as fire. Fire is sensed by us from its heat and light which is perceivable by the eye and our skin. Essentially our nature is light.
In Jungian concepts of archetypes, he sees the 4 elements as “motive forces” which means the force or forces that cause something to move or, in a sense, the force that induces motor action. So the water is not just water, it’s the archetypical force that is expressed in consciousness and how consciousness operates. Fire is not just fire, it is expressed as our soul and the movement of our soul. And wind is not just wind, it is expressed as spirit that moves our emotions. In Buddhist philosophy, all the mysteries of life are hidden within our body.
Have you ever thought why we worship God as if God is separate from us, it is because it is to put our ego in place so that we then don’t realize God is separate from us anymore and when we worship God we are also worshipping and praising ourselves. !!WOW
When we talk about light, many times it is spoken in terms of awareness, hence the light of awareness. The first sense life has is photosynthesis, where plants response to the sun and uses its energy to make chlorphyl. So life would respond to light. This then showed up in jelly fish who have light receptors. Over time, that sensitivity to light started to get formed in animated life as the pitted eye.
“True eyes probably started with the development of photosensitive pits, such as those found in planaria (flatworms). There is evidence that snails in the Cambrian period, some 570 million years ago, possessed such pit eyes, but there is more than one biological ancestor for the subsequent rapid evolution.”
It is thought of that the “Cambrian explosion” happened the way it did because of the development of the eye. The Cambrian explosion is a time where life seemed to evolve and diversify extremely quickly and is dubbed evolution’s “big bang”. So once the eye came on the scene, so did diversity. As life was evolving on this planet, it kept on seeking to “see” more. We see something very curious in the flat worm. It developed the first sensitivity of light with “eyespots”, shows the first presence of a brain and first time life was split into male and female. Let’s take that correlation. Eyespots are the first instance of pitted eyes, which in turn created a brain to process the information. The presence of the brain split life into male and female. It turns out that male and female principles of life are such that it could not be contained in one organism, but still operated as one. The eye allows us to see separations which creaed a brian that then further separated us into male and female. As the eye would evolve, it would take in more information and in turn would evolve the brain.
Ears evolved a couple of million years after the eyes according to the current consensus of a time space reality. Ears seems to be a necessary sense to support sight. It helps to create a “whole” picture. When we see and hear things, it helps to develop the eye towards depth in objects.
The eye needed language to fully develop into the perfect observer. Language also support sight. Research has found that when you add new words for colors, that you can actually see more colors. So there is evidence that language helps us to “see” things both physically and metaphysically.
As this evolution took place, the amount of data that had to be processed was now expanding the regions of the brain to incorporate 3d hearing and language.
Now there are two types of vision in the animal world. One is binocular or linear field of vision of the predator. Binocular vision allows there to be an overlapping field of vision where it offers the senses a three dimensional experience. In nature this primarily shows up in the predator. The drawback is that has a limited scope of vision and can only handle a “line of sight”, (a straight line along which an observer has unobstructed vision.) So essentially the animal cannot see if anything is coming behind it. However, for predators, the advantage is precision, as predators usually hunt in areas of their food source as well as the reduction of any animals that they can fall prey to. The other vision is widest field of vision, where eyes were placed separately and most preys have that so they can see a threat coming from behind it. We also have night vision, where the cornea is so large that it can see six times better than we can in the dark. Now here is the interesting part, almost all animals do not have their sclera (white part) showing, except for us. The theory is, that we can now tell when we are gazing at each other or another object. The other object is another way to alert each other that something is going on. However, it also creates intimacy and bonding. Based on the sclera reflecting light, we can see ourselves in someone else’s eyes.
As information is being filtered into the brain, the brain has to process this information, the brain is also forming into cognitive awareness of self, hence “I”. The more our nervous system, and more specifically our eyes are enhanced, the more we feel separated, the more we develop the “I” consciousness where we know ourselves to be separate entities from the rest of the world. So as these two things evolved, so did our spectrum of feelings. More and more we interpret emotion into feelings. Just like naming colors, naming feelings has the same affect on us. The more we can name diverse feelings, the more we can feel them. Ultimately though there purpose is to guide us back to unity.
Separation = Adverse feelings
Unity = Pleasurable feelings
The Eye has been used in many places to denote a higher evolution. For instance, the “all seeing eye” that is used on the dollar bill. Noticed the eye caps off the pyramid to denote the place of unity. They state it is the unity of all religions, but if you look at the eye cap, it is glowing with light which is symbolic of the 7th Chakra which is unity, which is also called “Enlightenment”. We see the eye is Egypt as a place of spiritual evolution. In the movie Avatar, they would say “I see you” which is akin to the Indian word Namaste which loosely means “My divinity sees your divinity.” Even the word “enlightenment” is alluding to the only sense we have that can interpret light which is our eyes.
In this evolution of the eye, we find that the brain was wired to trust and believe in what it is seeing. The brain is what we call the central nervous system and the eye is the peripheral nervous system. Our eye is actually our lens, it is not, however, how we see. We see because the brain interprets the information coming through the lens. We evolve the brain, we evolve what we can see. We now now that conscious evolution is much faster than natural evolution. Although science now tells us that we consist of 99.9% empthy space and that our electrons seems to being bouncing in and out of perceivable reality, our eyes have been keenly crafted and formed to detect only the matter and lock the matter from waveform into particle reality. If you look at the word particle, it shares its root with “Participate”. We are all participating in the belief that we live in a solid universe. The holographic model feels that we belong and was created from an Implicate Order. This order has layers and is creating layers. However, we are oscillating between third dimensional reality and the deeper levels of the implicate order. The theory is, if we can go deeper in our mind to connect with hidden layers, we will find that reality bends and can be influenced and directed towards what we would call miracles. The most effect method is deep states of meditation with your eyes closed. It is thought that when people are in deep prayer, they are influencing and affecting the implicate order, therefore it appears on the explicate order.
This all means that our more perfect observer has to turn inward. Now that we pushed all the boundaries of our nervous system with creating a solid reality, we must now take what we now to see within, which includes our own issues, our own potentials and how we impact the world. In this space, we are not operating from the external, but the external becomes the operating system of what we have connected to internally. Meaning that we can now manifest and activate realities that exist in the implicate order to produce new realities that are by our design by tapping into the “Great designer” or “Great Architect”.
If you notice everything in the universe is manifested like an eye. There is something called the centrifugal force. The centrifugal force is enacted in anything that moves according to the waveform and frequencies of the universe. It creates the spiral (spiral shares the same orgins as the word “spirit”). When a spiral is created, there is always an “eye” in the middle. The Eye of the storm, the Eye of the galaxy. The eye is the calm, where everything is singular. Hence “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Matthew 6:22.
Emotional Singularity and the Chakras
This model corresponse almost perfectly to the concept of the 7 Chakras. In fact it also corresponds to the concept of the 8th Chakra where all is unity and all colors of the Chakras are absorbed into one.
John E Nelson, a transpersonal psychologists refers to the development of the and then transcending the ego as passing through the chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel, and they line up, starting at the base of our spine, all the way up to the top of our head. Interesting, they find that the human “camera” eye has its evolution in vertibrates, animals that have a backbone. And the seven chakra system is based on our spine or backbones. And the more we climb up the chakras, the more our ego develops, hence the “I” develops. I am going to go swiftly through the chakras and correspond it with our emotional states based on separation and unity.
Now if you noticed, the Chakras align completely with the Central Nervous System as spoken of before. It is not a coincidence that higher consciousness follows the path of spinal alignment. In “Innovation Techniques in Transpersonal Psychology”
The transphysiological counterpart of the spinal column, the sushumna, becomes the “cosmic axis” because through this one may be tide to unity with the cosmos.
Axis being an imaginary line assumed in describing the positions of the planes by which different realities are experienced. Ordinarily axis would refer to a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate. So in short our spine has different axis points that align with different perceivable realities.
The Muladara 1st Chakra/Sahasrara 7th Chakra, root chakra is the survival chakra and would refer to the first three years of life, where consciousness went from an unbounded and unified field of consciousness to the fruition of selfhood. It evolved in darkness and at the moment the baby was born, light created the first appearance of ego. It is thought that at that moment we took our first breath is when the soul is fully attached to the body. Hence “the Lord…. breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7. First Chakra consciousness is a grounding principle and is based on survival. Survival is the very concept that makes us feel separated, as we start to form a wall of protection and selfhood. However, at this stage our selfhood is undifferentiated, meaning we think that all selfhoods work like ours, and all our thoughts are everybody else’s thoughts. This is why mirroring a child helps them develop their first stages of ego very healthily. It is these very things we are returning to when we reach the 7th Chakra.
The 7th Chakra represent the crowning evolutionary goal of humanity, the culmination of our logn and painful exile from and triumphant return to our Source. So as the first Chakra represents our first step out, the 7th Chakra represents our last step in. We no longer need the ego to maintain the illusion of separation and selfhood from the all. We are one step away from the gap of being unified with the all as we perfected our inner eye that we started to develop in the 6th Chakra.
The Svadasthana – 2nd Chakra/ Anja the 6th Chakra
This is the stage where “a child rises from the murkey realms of undifferentiated selfood to form tha uniquely human, but ultimately self-limiting psychic organ, the ego.” As stated by Sylvia Boorstein. We are now implementing our logic, as logic is the product of a greater sense of separation. We don’t lean on our logic so much yet. We also start to separate “good” and “evil” and make judgements. When we travel back to this place in the 6th Chakra, we are starting to repair the fissure of Good and Evil.
The six Chakra is represented by the third eye, or the penial gland. This is where observation starts to be turned inward. This starts to bring us back to unity, as we don’t see people as operating separate from us, but in fact are reflections of us to help us understand the deeper parts of us that needs to be repaired in order to move into unity consciousness. In Egypt they used the Uraeus (rearing cobra) and it represented a level of sovereignty and Godhood. This is where we awaken the part of us that is similar to the 2nd Chakra, exept this time, we are able to use our journey as a way of turning the focus inward instead of outward. The primary mode of this Chakra is intuition, whereas the second Chakra is logic. So at this stage we start to let go of logic as the leader and head and rely more on intuition and heart.
Manipura 3rd Chakra/Vishudda 5th Chakra
3rd Chakra is considered the ‘Power” Chakra. This is the time a young adult is now crafting their career and family prospects. They are now have a full sense of autonomy (distinction/separation) and understand themselves as a force in this world. At this stage, the full trust in the 5 senses to interpret reality is at its peak and spiritual concepts of unity are far from the developed ego. Most people on Earth operate for most of their lives out of this Chakra. We are now making decisions that we can witness its consequences and therefore full engage logic and reason and ascribe to the sense of free will. Usually religious beliefs at this stage would be outward and conventional and there is a preference for an authoritative divinity. Ego perceives God as separate from self and garners a sense of spirituality by how close they can follow the tenants of their religion. This Chakra is located in the belly or “Solar Plexus.” Notice the word Solar, as the sun is the very thing that awakens our ego. In this direction, we rely on how other people think about us and we have fully developed the defensive ego. However, on the way back to unity, the 5th Chakra would represent this state the first surrendering of the Ego.
The 5th Chakra is located in the throat. When we start to surrender the ego, our self expression takes on a very creative and intuitive turn. We are now experiencing interconnection and synergy. We start to shift ourselves into the praising ego, where we are putting value and worth on what we think of ourselves, rather than what other people think of us. We go on spiritual quests, perhaps start to meditate, appreciate nature more. Although we are still playing by the rules of a 3D reality, we are seeing peeks into alternate realities and we are experiencing self actualization. Since we still feel separation, our issues seem to come more to the surface so we can deal with them. We are driven at this stage to remove all our mental blockers and sabatogers that are standing in our way towards unity.
Anahata/4th Chakra
This Chakra is right at the center and is located in the Heart. It is both the going out and coming in. It is the boundary condition allowable of separation. When we get to the this point, it is the heart that is pulling us back towards unity. We see suffering in the world and know that we are somehow responsible. While going out, we are still seeing other people as the cause. When we turn ourselves inward, we are seeing ourselves as viable part of the solutions. We are having spiritual experiences that make us want to seek further. This is where we seek out healing, as the heart represents empathy and compassion. We are now seeking for something beyond the defensive ego. We are aware that there is something greater than the adverse experiences we are having. We now start to seriously question the reality we have bought into and have a deeper sense that there is more.
At this stage, fear is replaced by awe. We seek unity with God instead of divinity existing somewhere off.
“Because the fourth chakra is the first spiritual level, representing the initial tentative step back to communion with our Source, meditation now becomes possible or even mandatory as a therapeituic technique if a seeker wishes to progress on a spiritual path. This powerful tool for overcoming the constraints of the ego would also be helpful for 3rd shocker individuals but most are unable to messer motivation or discipline for contemplated practice finding it boring or a waste of time “ Sylvia Boorstein, Transpersonal Psychotherapy
On a comprehensive level, Emotional Singularity/Emotional Phenomena is split up into “orders” based on different perspectives of separation.
8th Chakra
This is when we are returned to the source. The color associated with this is black or non visible light.
“It is believed that this is the chakra where we experience deep union with Creation and transcend ourselves. If you’re feeling a bit lost, think of it this way. All seven of the previous chakras are located in the body, which means that when you work with them, you’re working primarily with energy within your own body.” https://www.qigongenergyhealing.com/8th-chakra
Inherent in black is potentiality. It represents the whole of everything, again all colors are absorbed in black. It is the foundation for creation. It contains all qualities and at the same time transcends them.
Once you access this Chakra, all the other Chakras automatically stay in alignment. You can always access lower Chakras for purposes that you determine. For instance if you see injustice, you can activate the throat Chakra to express your opposition to it. Or if you want to express love with a partner, you can maneuver in the second Chakra. The premise is that although you are functioning in a lower Chakra, you still remain seated in the 8th Chakra. Similar to the W.O.W. model of Home, that you can operate in your personas while still seated in who you are!
Stating four orders of feelings seems to create the illusion of eight, meaning as we move out through separation we feel the same order as we are moving into unity. First let’s go over some concepts regarding feelings.
- State: is what we are feeling at that moment. It is usually marked by its temporary and fleetingness. We oscillate through the orders in the state conditions.
- Trait: is something that is stable and long lasting and is internally caused. This is where, no matter how we oscillate, the trait condition becomes our baseline from where we operate. So for instance, if you are in trait anger, you will experience feelings like happy and excite, but you will always come back to the trait of anger. Anger would have simply been suppressed by other feelings. Same with having joy as your trait, you will feel sad or frustrated, but you will quickly return to joy.
- Temperament: is a consistent level of feelings that the person operates from. It is more like their baseline. It differs from Trait in that a person can have a trait of optimism, but a temperament of excitement or layed back. See the difference. The person who is typically laid back to the other who is excited can both have a trait of optimism.
- Moods: are episodic and can last up to a week, but is contingent on what trait we have. For instance, if a person is considered a joyful person, then if they are joyful, that is not a mood, that is their trait. However, if they may exhibit a “mood” of aggravation then we realize that it is not typical of that person. Moods can be both external or internally driven and do not come and go like state feelings. The linger for a while.
Zero Point Order: the present moment, the Pata Mystica, where we cannot reduce the emotion to words or explanation. This is where our sense of self disappears and we become fully immersed with the oneness of life. This emotion is hard to maintain, however, when felt, it then gets integrated into ones mood and temperament which then has the possibility of changing both. This is also where we return to, so the 8th is the zero as well. Interesting that 8 symbolizes infinity. If we summon transcendent experiences daily for even a few minutes, we can then integrate them into our whole being and our lower selves get lifted up and evolve.
For what we know right now in our process of evolution, Point Zero only exists as a state, but can profoundly impact our traits, temperament and mood. All the following can exist as any of the four. See where you can see yourself on the following orders. In science, the singularity is also called point zero.
First Order: Also known as the TOP order, as it consist of Truth, Oneness and Positive. Truth is referencing who we really are, beyond personas, beyond ego defenses, beyond the world of the senses. When we understand the truth of who we are, our feelings are congruent with that. Oneness is that truth. We are not separate. We are one, continuous, connected reality. And Positive, the emotions we feel are positive. Even the negative emotions are seen as positive, as it has a purpose.
Engaged, excited, Hopeful, Joyful, inspired, Exhilarated, Refreshed, Affectionate, Confident, Grateful.
Since first order is very similar to point zero, First Order is not the experience that can actually be integrated into the whole. It is usually what we feel when we integrate Point Zero into the whole of who we are. In state form ,first order is usually stimulated through external circumstance. We also loose the sense of self and time in this state (hence, funny how time flies when we are having fun.) First order, if intentionally seeking for home and experiencing this place daily, we can turn it into a trait.
Second Order: Second order would be at the moment we feel a sense of separation. When we are moving out to separation, we may feel sadness, vulnerable, fragile, shaky loneliness, disappointed, yearning, longing, fatigued, disturbed, troubled, confused, puzzled and disconnected. We tend to use religion, therapy, relationships, jobs/career, school, hobbies or something else that helps us feel we belong in order to address these feelings. We can mistake connection for attachment at this level.
However, if we are at he second order moving back in, we will allow those feelings to guide us back. We don’t see these feelings as bad things anymore. We are observing them and embracing them from a new perspective.
Third Order: When we realize we don’t like the feeling of separation. In this order is Anger, Jealousy, anxiety, distressed, irritable, frustrated, anguish, regretful, animosity, hostile and irate. Along with others. These are feeling typically at the moment we wants something and then we don’t have it or get it, we experience separation and not liking the feeling. Many times in the third order, we use aggression, motivation, action, arguing, blaming, defending, projecting and aversion techniques to deal with the third order of emotions.
When we experiencing the 3rd order of emotions while coming back to unity, we use these feelings to feel empowered. We then may engage in protests, work for humanity. The 3rd order, when on the way out, we seem to be “blind” to what is gong on. On the way in, we have awakened to the illusion and may feel bamboozled. So the third order emotions moves us into action to seek justice. However, if we stay in this order, we will never know what it is like to experience the other more connected emotions.
Fourth Order: The heart. This is where are loosing hope of being connected again. Feelings like Shame, Guilt, gloom, hopelessness, acute depression, despondent, heartbroken, embarrassed, flustered and self-conscious are experienced. This is probably the most slowest vibrating emotions and tends to lend us loosing meaning to life. People deal with these emotions through unhealthy attachments, detaching from socializing, going into hermit-like existence. Most mental illnesses develop at this stage and usually people that reach this stage contemplate, attempt and/or succeed in death by suicide. People on this level can experience where their immune system is breaking down and they will feel sick often.
However, its this fourth order that will actually inspire us to seek for connection and unity. There is no other place to go. Some people seek that unity through death, feeling hopeless that there is another way back. And that could come in the form of treating your body in unhealthy ways. Addictions, foods, lack of exercise, are subconscious forms of slow deaths. It is usually at this level its either do or die.
If you have clients that come in and there trait is the fourth order, please advise them to seek professional help that you are not equipped with yet. We all experience fourth order as a state. It is when it is developed into a trait or mood that ones will need a professional to navigate them towards connection.
According to Dr. David Hawkins who wrote Power vs. Force, feelings can actually be calibrated on a vibratory level as to what temperament you normally operate out of and the calibrations of the states you are experiencing. Each vibration can affect the entire body. Our immune system has neuropeptides, once thought only found in the brain. The implication of this is that our immune system is an extension of the brain and therefore responds to these levels of feelings. So our very health and sense of well-being is tied into our feeling phenomena.
The answer to working through the different orders of emotions is to work on connection. However, connection, although can be felt, can also be taught in order to give a comprehensive concept of oneness. Different theories that are validated through research can help. Buddhism aspect of becoming metacognitive, which is where consciousness transcends the customary boundary of personality and rises above (meta) to watch thoughts without attaching judgements to those thoughts. Understanding David Bohm’s concept of wholeness is a fantastic concept that can give a very real feeling of wholeness. Religion can create it, if the religion is not teaching separation, which many religions do. Spiritual practices of meditation, rituals and service is a tremendous format for feeling the sense of oneness.
When working with a client, you are seeking to help them gain a better sense of connectivity in order to inspire them to keep going. Seek to craft questions that they can experience connection and therefore get a sense of who they really are and the potential that they can activate. Questions like:
- If you removed this barrier, what do you think your life would look like?
- If you believed that this can be achieved, how would you feel about yourself? Can you evoke that feeling without the goal first?
- How does it feel to achieve your goals? To be closer to the person you want to be?
Feelings and Needs
According to the Non Violent communication model, as spoken about before, all feelings we have are due to needs being met or unmet. Positive feelings is felt from needs being met and negative feelings are experienced from needs not being met. Although even there is a connection, however, is the solution to just meet a need so we no longer feel adverse feelings? Marshall Rosenberg also postulates that its not the unmet need where we undergo a disconnect, but the strategies we take to meet that unmet need. So for instance, if a housewife is feeling lonely because her husband is on the road, instead of getting involved in a support group, she takes up an affair, then her need is understandable, but her strategy is egregious. So communication would be the key to be able to be on the same page with people in order to try to get everybody’s needs met with healthy strategies. From the viewpoint of separation, this means that another approach to unity can be to communicate in such a way that you feel a connection with that person in getting your needs met. This is a valid approach, however, it does not address underlying issues that are not resolved and therefore this model can be limited in potential in bringing us back to unity. I propose that if you are at layer 4 or 3, this model can bring you towards layer 2, which is a huge accomplishment. However, the true work, to get to zero point is then having to remove the underlying issues, as they will always cause a sense of separation.
So coupling Non Violent Communication model with other means, can achieve astounding results
Feelings and Archetypes
Carl Jung’s work on Archetypes and Collective Unconscious is very mystical and worth investigating. The concept is that our personas that we create is already constructed in the archetype that predates all personal experience. These Archetypes exist in the layer of law that created the form in the layer of physical reality. So a Tree can hold the contents of an archetype, in that it requires roots, it reaches up towards the sun, it can provide a home for squirrels, birds and other small animals and they branch out. All those archetypal contents exist in personal experience as well. We have roots, both in our ancestry, but also roots of our thoughts. We supply homes for our small ones. We branch out in many ways, both career, ideas, offspring, etc. We can only express that which is archetypcal. We canot have a feeling experience unless it already has its seeds in deeper domains.
Indigenous societies were masters at Archetypes. They are embedded n the stories of their divinities. They are referred to divinities because archetypes exist on he level of the divine. So let’s say you take the Goddess Auset (Isis) from Egypt, part of her story goes as thus: Her husband Ausir (Osiris) was cut into 14 peieces. She gathered the pieces, re-membered him, except for one, his phallus which was thrown into the Nile, so she created another one, breathed life into him and he resurrected. Here we have !!
Feelings are passed on to our children as behavior